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Everblue Helps Connecticut DEEP Launch Digital Aquatic Pesticide Applicators Exam.

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has expanded its partnership with Everblue by digitizing the Aquatic Pesticide Application exam and allowing candidates to take the exam via remote proctoring.

The CT Aquatic Pesticide Application is one of two permits governed by the state and regulates the use of chemicals proposed for introduction into the waters of the state, whether public or private, for control of aquatic organisms.

Everblue and CT DEEP started offering online pesticide certification exams in early 2021. After the success of the first three exams in April, CT DEEP returned to Everblue with additional exams.

Chris Boggiano

“We’re honored that CT DEEP chose to work with Everblue for its state pesticide licensing process,” said Chris Boggiano, co-founder of Everblue. “After our initial consultation with them, we were confident that our online testing and proctoring software would be the right solution for their needs. I’m happy to say that every exam we add to our platform is simply another example of how we’re helping the state to become more efficient and productive.” 

Everblue’s online test portal currently administers, proctors, and scores the following CT pesticide exams:

For an overview of how it all works, visit our Connecticut Pesticide Certification Exams page.

For more information about Everblue’s online test administration and proctoring software, contact Chris Boggiano by emailing chris at goeverblue.com.


About Everblue (https://www.goeverblue.com/)

Everblue helps create a better world by making organizations more responsive and productive through innovation and technology. Everblue empowers professionals and organizations to achieve success, by offering a comprehensive suite of professional training programs and certification management solutions. Its curriculum includes short-term courses focused on emerging technology fields, such as energy efficiency and cybersecurity. In addition to training courses, Everblue also helps its organizational clients with digital test administration, online exam hosting, proctoring, badging, and association membership management.

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